Have your students absolutely nail this portion of the AP exam!
The booklet (84 pages):
- Broad overview of what GridWorld is all about
- Explanation of how to download from The College Board & install
- Explanations of how to use the graphical interface to test code
- Crystal clear explanations of the various classes and how to use their methods
- Numerous exercises with extensive keys
- Programming projects with source code provided
- Much easier to understand than the Student Handbook provided by the College Board
- Appendices - AP original source code
- Permission to duplicate and distribute within your own school
- Both hard copy and pdf version of the teacher manual supplied
- Booklet is just the right length (84 pages)
- Too long, and decisions must be reached about what to leave out because of time contraints (there are other things to teach besides GridWorld). With this booklet, cover it all.
- Too short, and the student is not adequately prepared.
- A good, solid AP student will be able to get through this material in approximately two weeks.
The accompanying videos:
- Videos emphasize the visual nature of this case study.
- Motivational factor - Students are more easily engaged by the game-like nature of the case study. The videos engage the students immediately.
- Several videos for each chapter (almost 3 hours total)
- Some of the finer and more subtle points of the GridWorld case study are explained in the video.
- Narrated by the author of Blue Pelican Java... with a little humor thrown in.
- A solitary learner could easily use the videos and booklet to proceed at his own pace... with little intervention from a teacher.
- Permission to duplicate and distribute within your own school
Extras included with teacher manual & flash drive:
- Complete source code for all projects provided on the flash drive
- Booklet provided as a printable pdf on the flash drive
- The pdf file has complete, color coded bookmarks that make the document easy to navigate.
- Videos and booklet have been student tested
Here's what you get:
- On the flash drive
- 30 videos correlated with booklet
- Printable pdf version of booklet with answers
- Fully tested source code for all the projects
- Booklet...84 pages, fully bookmarked
- Permission to reproduce videos and booklets within your school
- All for $89.95
Purchase pdf booklet and videos on a flash drive
Click on this icon to
view the menu of 30 videos.

Click on this icon to view the four Free videos.
Free Chapter #2 from the booklet. (Click on the book icon below)

This chapter is associated with the four free videos.
Great for the solitary learner or home schooling
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