Each of 54 chapters in Blue Pelican Java has several associated java training videos. There is a total of 170 individual Java videos... one for each day of the school year! Texas "High school Allotment Funds" apply for those individual students doing college prep work. Also works great in a full class setting where each student can individually access the web based videos and view/pause/try at their own pace.
Each volume in the set has free video Java training videos (total of 16 free videos) ... just click on a one of the icons to the right to see all available videos as well as the free ones...or you can directly download the free videos. Just remember, you must have FLASH installed to view the videos.
- Exactly correlated with chapters of the free Blue Pelican Java textbook.
- Have students view a Java video to begin a lesson each day.
- Web based videos. Copy videos to a server at your school (or on each compter), thus allowing each student to individually access play/replay/pause at their own speed.
- Expert, crystal clear explanations.
- Multiple videos with each chapter that sequentially advance the viewer's knowledge.
- Have students watch the code examples in the video, pause, and then try it on their own.
- Includes an on-camera introduction by the author of Blue Pelican Java
- Includes a how-to video for downloading and installing JAVA and an IDE
- Legitimate expenditure for Texas "High School Allotment" funds.
- Outstanding value of just a little over a dollar per video.
- No hassle to get the videos to play. Just make sure you have FLASH on your computer (a very fast, easy download).
- Video and correlated material available for the AP case study - GridWorld
- Same or next day shipping in most cases.
- Each volume, $59.95. Save $40 when buying the entire set... an outstanding value
of just a little over $1 per video!
Click on these
icons to view
the menus.

Great for the solitary learner or home schooling
purchase orders
welcomed (Purchase videos)
Blue Pelican Graphical Labs... manual &flsh drv... it's not what you might think!... find out more