What is ExamView?
ExamView is a product of fscreations.com that allows quizzes, tests, exercises, etc. to be created and then taken over a local area network (LAN) or the Internet. It allows
organization of classes and assignments (quizzes, etc),
automatic grading and display of individual and/or class results for the teacher,
feedback to the student (when completed with the assignment) concerning items missed and what the correct answers are,
scrambling of questions to prevent cheating,
a wide variety of problem types (multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc.),
import/export XML, Blackboard, WebCT.
and ease of use.
What does Blue Pelican Book Co. provide?
A downloadable zip (also a self extracting version) is provided that consists of 476 files.
119 test banks
119 tests constructed from the above banks
119 "published" tests ready for local area network (LAN) use
119 rtf file (rich text files) that can be viewed with MS Word. This provides the teacher with printable versions of each quiz/test. A single, composite pdf file of all 119 tests is also provided.
Instructions in both .doc and .pdf form
What are the steps involved in using the ExamView Pack?
Purchase ExamView from fscreations.com and install on your computer. The regular version is $139 and they also have a trial version....(Blue Pelican Book Company does not sell nor do we support ExamView: we simply recommend it and provide ready-made quizzes, exercises, etc. for it.)
Put a copy of ExamView's evplay.exe file on each student's computer.
Purchase the ExamView Pack from Blue Pelican
Wait for a confirming email from Blue Pelican concerning how to download the zip file containing the ExamView Pack.
Download and unzip the file (easy with the self extracting version) and store on your computer.
Copy the .eot files (in the Pack's LANtests folder) to a shared folder on a server in your network.
Use ExamView's Test Manager to enter the students in your class and make assignments (the quizzes, exercises, etc.) To limit student access to assignments, set times and/or passwords.
The students then navigate to the share on the server and will be able to see their assignments.
How else can I use the ExamView Pack?
As you become more proficient with ExamView, you will be able to
edit the questions,
add questions of your own,
use the banks to combine and randomize items from several quizzes, exercises, etc., and create new tests,
and with some additional software from ExamView, publish tests on the Internet.
What are the educational benefits?
Saves teacher time in not having to continually copy quizzes (saves trees too).
Makes maximum use of class time... no wasted time passing out tests and collecting them. When they get to class, students know to immediately get online and do the assignment.
Saves teacher time in not having to grade the assignments.
Provides immediate feedback to students... they can see answers and explanations after they finish the assignment.
Acclimates students to multiple choice test such as they would see on an AP test or in other competition.
There is a danger in doing too many assignments online. Students need to do "free response" type question too. Versions of those type exercises in the Blue Pelican Java book are not part of the ExamView Pack. Also, the teacher needs to frequently look at original student work in the student's own hand writing.
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