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Reply Title: AP CS Audit  
ID: guayabara man Date/Time: 03/26/2007 7:51:03 PM
I have listed Blue Pelican Java as a reference on my A and AB submission. It adds depth that is needed.
Topic: AP A Class Syllabus
ID: Bracken Date/Time: 08/18/2008 3:21:01 PM
I was wondering if we can use your outline and some text of your syllabus for submission to College Board.  Additionally, I was wondering what you would take out, as far as lessons to achieve this.  I have proposed not using lessons 35, 39, 44-47, 49-50 and 52-57.  Does this sound right and if so how would you time the class for Test A success?  We have approximately 32 weeks of class before the test.  Thanks in advance. BTW, we are running your textbook (hard copy as well) and videos at three of our schools and just started this for the upcoming school year.

Topic: about the text
ID: sulai Date/Time: 06/20/2009 3:17:44 AM
thank you sir........
                              for writing java text in a human understandable form...............
                              i feel so good with your text for java.....

Topic: Lost Password code
ID: thebriman Date/Time: 10/23/2012 5:15:58 PM
I purchased the Text Book and Answer Booklet and I lost he code that allows me to print the items.  What do I do?

Topic: Video Disc
ID: Larry Date/Time: 11/15/2012 1:27:54 PM
My video disc has stopped working any suggestions?
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